Doctor Who: The Game [Big Finish]

Continuing through Big Finish’s Monthly Range of licensed audio Doctor Who adventures, we get to The Game, which was release number 66 in the series. It stars Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor alongside Sarah Sutton as Nyssa. William Russell also features in the story, but not as First Doctor companion Ian Chesterton. Instead he plays a character who complicated out-of-sequence relationship with the Doctor predates similar ideas we’ve seen on TV since then. 

Continue reading Doctor Who: The Game [Big Finish]

Planet of Giants [Classic Doctor Who]

Doctor Who has long been my favorite show, but there was a long period where I hadn’t revisited old episodes in any focused way. Lately, I’ve been going back through the show, especially since I’ve had access to the whole thing on Britbox. But lately, while traveling overseas, I learned that classic Doctor Who is actually being removed from the Australian Britbox. That prompted some quick watches on my part, to get through as much of it as I could.

Continue reading Planet of Giants [Classic Doctor Who]

Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor

And now, after many moons, the Chibnall-Whittaker era of Doctor Who has come to an end. My thoughts are many.

I have not been the biggest fan of this era of the show. Jodie Whittaker is appealing enough, but I have found her performance too broad to be actually engaging. In spite of the occasional bright spot, Most of the stories have been either underwritten or badly written, and filled with bland characters and uninspiring plots. There have been a handful of “shocking plot twists” that were memorable for all the wrong reasons, which leaves one tempted to rant that the last three seasons haven’t only failed to move the show forward in a positive way, they have actually done the series a bit of harm.

But of course, that’s just a grumpy old fan ranting away. What about The Power of the Doctor itself?

Spoilers Lie This Way

Continue reading Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor

The Romans [Classic Doctor Who]

Doctor Who has long been my favorite show, but until recently rewatchings of old episodes have been few and far between.  This has changed in the last couple of years as I have been using birthday and Christmas money to buy some of the old episodes, usually enjoying them with one or two of my nerdier daughters. This year, though, my wife and I bought a year of Britbox for each other as a gift, which gives me access to nearly all of classic Who.

Continue reading The Romans [Classic Doctor Who]

Doctor Who Timeline: Debuts & Departures Timeline

I found myself getting curious about the various ages of different actors and creators involved with Doctor Who over the years, and so today we have a little timeline that tells us throughout the years of when people were born, when they debuted on the show, and when they died (for those no longer living).

Continue reading Doctor Who Timeline: Debuts & Departures Timeline

The Rescue [Classic Doctor Who]

Doctor Who has long been my favorite show, but until recently rewatchings of old episodes have been few and far between.  This has changed in the last couple of years as I have been using birthday and Christmas money to buy some of the old episodes, usually enjoying them with one or two of my nerdier daughters. This year, though, my wife and I bought a year of Britbox for each other as a gift, which gives me access to nearly all of classic Who.

Continue reading The Rescue [Classic Doctor Who]

The Dalek Invasion of Earth [Classic Doctor Who]

Doctor Who has long been my favorite show, but in recent years rewatchings of old episodes have been few and far between.  Lately though I have been making my way through a lot of the classic stories–either ones I already owned or ones I bought for my birthday or Christmas–enjoying them with one or two of my nerdier daughters.

Continue reading The Dalek Invasion of Earth [Classic Doctor Who]

The Sensorites [Classic Doctor Who]

Doctor Who has long been my favorite show, but in recent years rewatchings of old episodes have been few and far between.  But lately I decided to spend both some of my birthday and Christmas spending money on some of these adventures, and enjoy them with one or two of my nerdier daughters.

(Daily Doctor Who #281)

Continue reading The Sensorites [Classic Doctor Who]

The Azteks [Classic Doctor Who]

Doctor Who has long been my favorite show, but in recent years rewatchings of old episodes have been few and far between.  But lately I decided to spend both some of my 50th birthday spending money and my Christmas spending money on some of these adventures, and enjoy them with one or two of my nerdier daughters.

(Daily Doctor Who #179)

Continue reading The Azteks [Classic Doctor Who]