Doctor Who: The Next Life [Big Finish]

And so, back in December 2004, Big Finish released The Next Life, its 64th story in its “Main Range” of original Doctor Who audio dramas. The story is written by Alan Barnes and Gary Russell, and directed by Russell, and features the conclusion (I assume) of a series of linked adventures featuring the Eighth Doctor, played as usual with spark and energy by Paul McGann.

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Doctor Who: Caerdroia [Big Finish]

Caerdroia is the 63rd entry in Big Finish’s monthly range of Doctor Who audios, released back in November 2004. It was written by Lloyd Rose (one of the franchise’s few female writers, and one of the fewer American writers), and continued the tale of the Eighth Doctor being lost in the “Divergent” universe. Up until this point, these stories had told basically standalone adventures that featured the Doctor stranded in this other environment, but actually did not have much to do with the idea–with a bit of tweaking the stories could have been “regular” Doctor Who adventures. But with Caerdroia, this changes, and the tale deals directly with the Doctor’s situation and legitimately advances the plot.

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Doctor Who: The Last [Big Finish]

The Last is the 62nd entry in Big Finish’s monthly range of Doctor Who audios, released back in October 2004. It was written by Gary Hopkins, and continued a the Eighth Doctor status quo of the time, with the Doctor (Paul McGann) accompanied by Charley and C’rizz (India Fisher and Conrad Westmaas) on their wandering journey through the mysterious “Divergent Universe.”

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Doctor Who: Faith Stealer [Big Finish]

Faith Stealer is the 61st entry in Big Finish’s monthly range of Doctor Who audios, released back in September 2004. It was written by Graham Duff, and began a new run of stories featuring the Eighth Doctor (played by Paul McGann) along with Charley and C’rizz, continuing to make their way through the mysterious multi-zoned world in the “Divergent Universe.”


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Doctor Who: The Twilight Kingdom [Big Finish]

The Twlight Kingdom continues the run of Big Finish Doctor Who audio dramas from 2003 and 2004 (specifically March 2004) which chronicles the adventures of the Eighth Doctor and his companions in the divergent universe, with story having them journey through various zones of a mysterious planet, in search of the TARDIS. It is written by Will Shindler and stars Paul McGann as the Doctor, India Fisher as Charley and Conrad Westmass as C’Rizz.

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Doctor Who: The Natural History of Fear [Big Finish]

The Natural History of Fear is by Jim Mortimore, and continues the adventures of the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) and Charley Pollard (India Fisher) along with their new friend C’rizz (Conrad Westmaas) as they make their way through the divergent universe. At least, it sort of does.

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Doctor Who: The Creed of the Kromon [Big Finish]

The “new” (actually, from 2004) series of Eighth Doctor audios following the status-quo shaking events of Zagreus continues here with The Creed of the Kromon. Charley Pollard is on-hand again, of course, but this time the pair is joined by a new companion named C’rizz. I’ve seen C’rizz’s name before but I’ve never heard it spoken (or so I thought–apparently, he’s mentioned in Night of the Doctor) so I always assumed it was pronounced just as “Kriz”, but apparently it’s better described as “Keh-riz”. Live and learn.

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Doctor Who: Scherzo [Big Finish]

At the end of the big anniversary Doctor Who audio, Zagreus, the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) sacrificially allows himself to be exiled to a completely alien universe, doomed to die alone.  At the last minute, his companion Charley (India Fisher) refuses to be left behind, going with the Doctor because of her love for him.  Scherzo, by Robert Shearman (of Jubilee and Dalek fame), is the continuation of that story, and the beginning of a new “season” of Eighth Doctor audios. 


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Doctor Who – Zagreus [Big Finish]

It’s taken me a while but I finally am getting back into some Big Finish listening. The presence of Christmas money hasn’t hurt, and my recent forays into podcasts and audio books have helped to inspire my interest in the medium again. So I decided to carry on my consumption of Big Finish’s main range of Doctor Who audios (it doesn’t hurt that they are really cheap), but I was almost put off by the next one on the list: Zagreus.

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Doctor Who: Living Legend [Big Finish]

Back in 2003, Big Finish released Living Legend, which similar to a few other stories was originally a free gift for readers of Doctor Who Magazine. Since then, the short adventure has been made into a free download on their website, which I became aware of as I was scanning for the free stuff they have on offer. There’s quite a bit of to be found there if one is interested. A lot of them are samples of longer stories, but Living Legend is a complete, albeit short (a bit more than half an hour), adventure featuring the Eighth Doctor played by Paul McGann and his original audio-only companion Charley Pollard, played by India Fisher.

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