“Posty” – Another Short Film

This one is very short–only about 3 and a half minutes.

Like Stuck, which I shared a few weeks ago, it’s a movie my team in Cygnet Films made years ago, but have only just got completely finished just lately. And strangely, just like Stuck, it features my friend Josh and me talking on a porch. Seems like it was a bit of a phase we were going through.

Unlike Stuck, I didn’t write or direct or really work on this movie at all in any significant behind-the-scenes way, except as an actor. I’m ostensibly the star of the picture, and apparently improvised a bunch of my dialogue although I don’t remember that for sure (on account of how long ago it was).

Anyway, enjoy Posty. Apparently, it’s actually based on a true story, although in real life the guy that Josh is playing (who you see in the thumbnail up above) was pretty calm about the whole thing. It’s cute and funny, and I’m pretty happy with my performance.

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